Flaws and weaknesses that keep you from taking advantage of opportunities

  • Liam Carter by Liam Carter
  • 5 min read
  • 23 December, 2024
Flaws and weaknesses that keep you from taking advantage of opportunities

Each of us could have had a very different life. A much fuller, richer, more beautiful life. All it took was to take advantage of all the opportunities that came our way. Instead, we ignored, overlooked, even shunned the opportunities. As a result, we find ourselves in the existing reality without having done the work on our mistakes.

Thinking too much

Thinking is not harmful, but in the process of planning, doubts creep in with the flow of thoughts. You solve theoretical problems, find additional, but the same hypothetical difficulties, and then revise the idea. History repeats itself time after time, a vicious circle, a logical and constantly self-complicating task.

From a philosophical point of view it is an interesting phenomenon, in a way it can be compared to the creation of an intelligent entity. The plan lives by its own rules and pursues a purpose different from yours. If you are most interested in the end result, he is much more interested in the process. For if doubt disappears and it is time to act, the plan will become a silent instrument, the signs of reason gone. This is a clear downgrade.

Overly prolonged planning leads to the task becoming unsolvable. One can imagine a million random events that are likely to occur and disrupt the structure. The main difficulty is that it is also impossible to go completely without a plan. It is necessary to find the golden mean and realize that further mind games lead to a dead end.

Afraid of change

Seizing opportunities implies changes in life, which, if not frightening, is at least alarming. Often we shy away from even positive changes, especially if they are accompanied by a period of instability. It is still a risk - at any moment every day something can go wrong. This is where the bargaining begins; we want to weigh everything more carefully.

The existing reality, strange as it may seem, almost always looks preferable. The thing about predictability is that it gives a sense of comfort, even if the lifestyle is unenviable, the level of wealth is low, and the needs of the individual are not being met. Looking from the outside, the stakes seem obviously unequal, but once you're in the center of the bidding, all rationality fades away. You don't trade bad for good, rather the available for the theoretical, as yet intangible.

You don't see the opportunity

Opportunities surround every person, and they come in all shapes and sizes. Therefore, it is not always possible to recognize what is in front of you - a failure, a terrible failure or a new door, another chance to change your life.

Not the least role is played by the degree of workload. In a state of eternal sleep deprivation, when the head is busy with work, personal affairs and responsibilities, there is no energy to analyze what is happening around you. At least if life and stability is not threatened.

However, some missed opportunities are realized later. They can no longer be used, but can be evaluated. This can be useful, especially if you are able to make a conclusion and work on mistakes. It's important to understand what factors led you to overlook or purposely take your eyes off the opportunity.

You have a lot of habits

Habits obviously influence life, often determine the model of human behavior in this or that situation. They become a kind of script, and going beyond the stipulated rules is already perceived as a deviation from the norm.

Let's take the simplest example: a smoker should give up cigarettes and then live longer. This is the same opportunity lying right in plain sight. However, the actual cigarette sandwiched between his fingers outweighs the deferred benefit, although the “weight” of the lots is incommensurate.

We can also take habits without a dash of addiction: watching soap operas until late at night keeps you from getting a good night's sleep on a weekday. The tendency to break or forget promises turns a person into a vain talker, which no one takes seriously.

Habits not only participate in the formation of personality, but also take away resources: time, energy, friends, health. When abused, even useful habits can be harmful. There is a conflict between opportunity and habit, the latter gives an ultimatum - “me or her”.

Too ambitious

Ambition makes you look down on the world. No one is your equal, and random opportunities are too insignificant, unworthy of attention.

Ambition requires that its bearer be given everything at once, directly and openly. Otherwise, it is no longer an opportunity, but a distracting factor, an additional task, which is not worth splurging on.

Dozens of opportunities have crashed against the fence of youthful ambition. Surely, if you dig into your memory, you will find personal examples.

This situation is treated with time. Everyone needs different amounts of the cure. Some lower expectations and choose to live in reality while still at an active age. Others show great perseverance - building castles of heaven until old age.

Not confident enough

Orient yourself quickly and take the parking space that suddenly becomes available, if you hesitate, you'll have to keep looking. As a result, you'll be late for work, get a reprimand, write a letter of explanation and lose your bonus. Such can be the effect of a modest missed opportunity.

Imagine the impact of truly great opportunities. They really can change lives, pull a person up from the bottom. Yet many people feel they are not worthy of the best. Of course, no one will state this directly, but many opportunities are ignored precisely because of insecurity. It can be hard to believe that you have a chance and after a while there will be no trace of the unenviable past. So you do not believe, believing that it is fate preparing a cruel prank.

Identified and, most importantly, used opportunity acts as an antidote, increasing the level of self-confidence. At such moments a person realizes that the world, fate, life and the Universe are not set against him. On the contrary, they are trying to help by opening new perspectives.

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