You may wake up in a great mood, but as soon as you step into the office where you work, everything changes. You become apathetic, completely indifferent to what's going on, joyless.
You look more like a zombie than an employee ready to work hard and achieve more. There are several reasons why this happens.
Tense work environment
Every person likes to stay in comfortable conditions. But if the working atmosphere leaves much to be desired, even the most ambitious and productive employee will sooner or later turn into an office zombie.
Perhaps the reason for your apathy and unwillingness to act lies precisely in the discomfort you experience in the workplace. This is the case when relationships and interactions with your boss leave much to be desired or when you are constantly among toxic coworkers.
If your work environment is very similar to the one described above, you may find that you simply dread going to the office, constantly feeling uncomfortable or on edge. You're under a significant amount of stress on a daily basis just by being in this atmosphere, which makes your professional life, as well as your motivation with your mood, leave a lot to be desired.
Excessive workload
There are times when you have a great team, an understanding boss, a good workplace, but you still feel like you are slowly but surely turning into a zombie.
This can happen because you are faced with excessive workload on a daily basis. For example, you constantly have to work under pressure, manage to meet tight or unrealistic deadlines, deal with problems that are out of your control, and are horrified by the realization that there is no room on your work calendar.
Excessive workload leads to mental and moral exhaustion, as well as burnout. You end up feeling like you just don't have the energy to complete work tasks, and you also notice that you've started making mistakes even in things you've long ago brought to automaticity.
You're out of place
We don't always do what we really want to do. It is quite possible that you are working in the wrong profession or performing tasks that simply annoy you.
A person who feels out of place on a daily basis eventually turns into an office zombie. He is not interested in what he is doing, he has no motivation, no mood to handle tasks better than before.
If you've ever felt like you're not where you're supposed to be and you're not doing something you enjoy even a little bit, you know exactly what we're talking about. You're constantly in the negative and have an oppressive feeling of being fed up with everything.
Why don't people who have turned into zombies quit their jobs, even if they realize that they are not in the right place? There are many reasons: good salary, fear of change, financial problems that do not allow them to change jobs.
But sooner or later they experience the same feelings: frustration, unwillingness to work and apathy, as well as the need to isolate themselves from colleagues and superiors so as not to have any unnecessary contact with them.
Poor work-life balance
Everyone needs time to relax and unwind, as well as to put themselves first and do something enjoyable. That's what breaks at work are for, as well as weekends, holidays and “life after the office”.
But there are times when we neglect our vacations in an effort to get through the work stuff, get promoted and get ahead. We take our work with us on vacation, we answer our colleagues in chat rooms when we are at home, we put other employees in the category of best friends, forgetting about our personal circle of communication.
All of this leads to us turning into zombies sooner or later. Ignoring a healthy balance between personal life and work, we deprive ourselves of rest and joy, and contribute to burnout.
It's impossible to think about work all the time and not miss out on the important moments in life that would make you happy. Even die-hard workaholics sooner or later notice how their favorite occupation begins to become burdensome and seem like a heavy burden.
Frustration when communicating with colleagues, reluctance to go to work, difficulty concentrating, aversion to the usual activities - this is how a poor work-life balance ends up.
Personal problems
If you have to deal with a lot of problems at home and then you come to work full of difficulties, you sooner or later turn into an office zombie.
Don't underestimate how your personal life can affect your professional life and vice versa. Surely, going through difficulties, you have noticed how everyday tasks turn into a nightmare, and colleagues and bosses you liked suddenly become completely unpleasant people.
Of course, it's impossible to live a life without difficulties and problems, but it may be worth changing your approach to solving them. For example, if you realize that you have too much on your plate, it's better to take a little vacation and devote it to sorting out your personal life, and then return to work “with a fresh head”.
It's equally important to learn to disconnect from personal problems when you're working. For example, you need to put off a difficult conversation with your girlfriend until the evening, rather than texting her during work hours, putting significant stress on an already stressful environment full of tasks and to-do's.