Apathy is often categorized as a negative emotion, like depression. But in fact, apathy can be compared to tasteless food: it is neither pleasant nor disgusting - it is nothing.
Apathy often precedes depression, so you can't ignore it and think it will go away on its own. Apathy also causes other unpleasant emotions - shame, guilt, self-loathing and low self-esteem. So if you find yourself slipping into this state, it's worth getting rid of it as soon as possible.
Here are some ways to beat apathy and start living life to the fullest.
Identify the cause
Apathy, like other emotions, does not just happen. First of all, find out what caused it.
Perhaps it was influenced by a certain event or it was the final touch in a series of failures, which plunged you into this state that precedes depression.
And if there is no apparent reason, it is worth seeing a doctor, as it may indicate hormonal or other disorders in the body.
Start changing
When you've realized what the cause of apathy is, then ask yourself if you can do something about it yourself and if you need help getting out of this emotional hole. What can you do to at least mitigate the psychological impact?
Think about the cause, about ways to solve the problem, analyze each one and choose the best one.
The main thing is to start acting.
Step out of your comfort zone and let go of routine
Often apathy occurs in people with a stable schedule, when nothing changes. Life becomes boring, nothing pleases, and a person just exists, becomes a biorobot.
To get rid of this unpleasant feeling, shake things up a little, for example, do your usual actions in a different order, make small violations in your schedule.
The main thing is to give more shake, but any emotion will do, because apathy is, as we said, not a negative in the usual sense.
Create a good mood
Sure, it's trite advice, but the next step is to add more positive emotions to your life. Perhaps you're missing something to make you, if not happy, then at least come into harmony with yourself.
Do you like music? Try doing something new, like buying a guitar and start playing, creating your own compositions. This, by the way, immediately covers the previous two points with changes and getting out of your comfort zone.
That way you'll be stressing yourself out, getting both negative and positive emotions. Like socializing with a certain group of people? Get rid of the things that make you apathetic and introduce more socializing with those people.
Believe me, such simple advice is often ignored by people, because their apathy does not allow them to take a sober look at positive emotions and what causes them the most. The main thing is to have as few triggers around you as possible that activate the increase of apathy.
Find something that gives you excitement
Once you have evaluated your life, found the causes of apathy and started to change, think about the things you are missing that could help you move forward. Maybe it's certain things that would help revive your sense of engagement, motivate you, or at least reduce your apathy.
Are you a programmer who's bogged down in dull banner ad code? Do you remember how enthusiastically you spent all night coding a location for an indie game and how easy and fun it was for you then? So, maybe you should try it again?
Just pick one thing that piques your interest or even excitement, evaluate its potential, the emotions it evokes, and how doing it will help you get out of apathy. If you're not very confident in your chosen endeavor, that's okay. It's worth a try and, if it doesn't work, move on to another enjoyable activity - and so on until you achieve the desired effect.
Important point: break the task into several segments if you are not sure if it is something you want to do in the long term or if it is too difficult.
The fact is that a new activity, if it is too difficult, can only increase apathy, even if it is something interesting and promises good prospects. It is better to do a little bit at a time, so as not to overstretch the brain, which because of apathy and so are not in the best psychological shape.
Make a schedule, distribute tasks and do a new thing every day. And when you get involved, there will be no trace of apathy.