11 calming phrases to say to yourself during anxiety

  • Ethan Rivers by Ethan Rivers
  • 5 min read
  • 20 February, 2025
11 calming phrases to say to yourself during anxiety

It can be difficult to calm down during anxiety, especially if your mind is filled with negative thoughts.

To counteract them and prevent them from spiraling into a spiral that worsens your emotional state, remember a few useful phrases that help you feel calmer.

1. “Right now I can only control my thoughts and my breathing”

It is not uncommon for us to experience anxiety when we encounter things beyond our control. And if we try to influence them or fall into thinking about how to fix a negative situation, it takes over.

This phrase is a great way to shift your focus to what you can control and remind yourself to pay close attention.

2. “I'm calm, I'm safe, I have everything I need”

Unpleasant news or negative comments on social media can throw you off balance and cause anxiety.

To cope with anxiety, say this phrase to yourself. It's like a signal you give yourself to come back to reality and realize that you're okay.

3. “This moment will pass, it's just a feeling”

To cope with anxiety, you don't have to deny its presence. It is important to remind yourself that it is just a feeling, like sadness or joy, and that it has a right to exist.

Remind yourself that it will pass, especially at times when anxiety makes you ready to say something harsh to others or do something you may regret later.

4. “I'll probably never see that man again”

Anxiety can occur in awkward and unpleasant social situations. For example, when someone you don't know is rude to you in a store or parking lot.

The best way to keep anxiety out of your mind is to remind yourself that you will probably never see that person again. This helps you refrain from venting your anger on other people and keeps you calm.

5. “My body helps me live my life”

It's not nice when someone comments on your body or weight. It's even worse when we become harsh critics for ourselves.

If you feel anxious about the way you look or the shape you're in, repeat this phrase more often. It reminds you that you need your body first and foremost to simply live.

Of course, no one has canceled healthy habits or the gym if you want to feel better and change the way you look. But it's still important to fight anxiety about your own body and not go along with it if you don't want to lose your self-esteem and put yourself down.

6. “It's hard, but it's not the first time I've faced adversity”

In moments of anxiety, it is important to remind yourself that you have overcome a lot. It helps you calm down, look at the situation differently, and realize that you can handle it.

7. “I don't need to rush today or any other time”

If life seems like an endless race that only causes anxiety, take a deep breath and say this phrase to yourself a few times.

Often, the only reason we feel anxious is because we want to accomplish more in less time. It's important to remind yourself that you don't have to rush to succeed on your own terms.

8. “Anxiety is not an enemy. It wants to protect me, and I can deal with it”

A frequent companion to anxiety is shame for experiencing it. The combination of these emotions is doubly damaging to one's mental state and health.

To avoid being ashamed of how you feel, tell yourself more often that anxiety is not the enemy. It's just a mental defense mechanism that the mind needs to protect itself from potential dangers and pain. And it, like other states of mind, can be managed.

9. “It's time to ground yourself”

Grounding refers to various practices that help you focus on what is happening in the moment. For example, intentionally counting from one to one hundred, saying the names of objects you see in front of you, breathing deeply, or focusing on tactile sensations.

These practices help reduce anxiety and help you relax. At times when you feel anxious, it's helpful to remind yourself that it's time to come back to the present and do a couple of exercises to help you feel better.

10. “What do I know as truth right now?”

Anxiety can make you run through negative scenarios in your head, worry about the future, and catastrophize even the smallest of troubles. To avoid falling into this trap, ask yourself this question: what do I know as truth right now? It helps you focus on facts rather than negative thinking and take a common sense view of the situation.

For example, you're walking down the street at a slow pace coming back from a workout. You may feel like the people walking behind you are unwittingly judging your pace. This makes you anxious, but you can't quicken your step because you're so tired.

Bring yourself back to reality with a truth question. You can't know exactly what's on other people's minds, can you? And if people weren't comfortable walking behind you, they'd probably just overtake you.

This is an example of coming back to reality by countering negative thoughts with the language of facts.

11. “My anxious thoughts leave my mind with each exhalation”

When you feel anxious, take a deep breath and on the exhale mentally say this phrase. Repeat the exercise a few times to consolidate the result. How will it help? Firstly, breathing exercises are useful for getting rid of anxiety, and secondly, the power of self-hypnosis nobody canceled.

The more often you set yourself up for something positive, the sooner you will believe in it and change your way of thinking, which is important for getting rid of anxiety.

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